Day Fourteen – NanoPoblano – Poem/Poetry – “Romantic Spirits Intoxicating Our Senses” by David Ellis

Hello and welcome to all of the poetry action you can ever handle! (And then some) It’s Day Fourteen of NanoPoblano AKA National Blog Posting Month (but with a really big serving suggestion of Cheer Peppers!) and I’m back with yet another video to bring joy to the masses. Check out the Facebook Live performance…

Poem / Poetry – “Made Whole Again”

*Peeks up from under the covers* – who turned on the lights? What’s the big idea, bub? I’m trying to hibernate here you son of a……oh sorry, didn’t see you there! Allow me to put some pants on and I’ll be right with you! *Several hours later* Hey there my fun loving friends of the…

Poem / Poetry – “Naked As The Sun”

Good evening to you all, you bunch of inquisitive heroes. I’m jumping in on another prompt over at The Reverie Journal today because Wordle Prompts are one of my favourites and I enjoy the challenge of trying to incorporate all of the words into a coherent piece (especially when I’ve had a few drinks). The…

Poem / Poetry – “Let Your Heart Be Your Guide”

Hello my dear ladies and mellow fellows. I’ve handwritten a poem tonight, which was both terrifying and very liberating too, given our reliance on mobile phones and computers to produce written pieces nowadays. Hope you enjoy it! For more blog posts on what other things people prefer to be traditionally handmade nowadays, check out the…